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It's almost the END OF FINANCIAL YEAR for 2017!

So what are the advantages of us preparing and lodging your personal tax return? Quite simply our job is to help you get your tax right, paying no more than you are legally obliged to pay! As Chartered Accountants, we are known for our professional integrity, principled judgment, financial discipline and a forward-thinking approach to help you prosper.

  • Benefit from our knowledge and experience. As a professional tax agent, we prepare tax returns all the time and keep up to date with changes to the tax law and Australian Taxation Office requirements. Our streamlined tax return preparation systems will get your tax records organised and help you save time.

  • Tax can be complicated even when you think your tax affairs are simple.

  • We will carefully consider your entitlement to the many kinds of possible tax deductions and offsets without you needing to do your own research, and then calculate your claim accurately based on the information you provide.

  • We deal with the ATO on your behalf. That means contacting the ATO for you for any assistance needed, answering any ATO inquiries and responding on your behalf.

  • In some cases where mistakes are made, using a tax agent provides a “safe harbour” (protection from ATO administrative penalties) where the client provides all the relevant tax information to their tax agent.

  • If you receive a scam phone call purporting to be from the ATO, simply ask the caller to talk to your tax agent and hang-up. Similarly, emails or letters which look like they come from the ATO should be referred to us (never open an attachment to an email unless you are absolutely confident it is from a trusted source).

  • The cost of our tax agent services is tax deductible.

  • A tax agent prepared personal tax return does not have to be lodged by the standard 31 October deadline. The extra time to prepare your tax return and pay any tax may be handy.

  • However, if you are due a tax refund, we can prepare and lodge your return as a priority.

Tax time is a good opportunity to discuss your personal financial goals and tax planning opportunities for the future. Contact us now via email or phone 0404 033 464 to make an appointment.

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